2024 Women's Wednesdays Fall Session AM & PM

September 4, 2024 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM
48 out of 100 remaining tickets available

September 4 - November 20, 2024 (off October 9th)

Morning Classes - 9:30-11am - Childcare available with registration, deadline for childcare registration August 26, 2024. 

Twelve Extrarordinary Women by John MacArthur - Offers a poignant and personal look into the lives of some of the Bible's most faithful women, teaching modern believers that true faith can leave a lasting legacy.  These women were ordinary, common, and in some cases even ostracized and rejected by society, yet each was made extraordinary by her life-changing encounter with God.

In Twelve Extraodinary Women, bestselling author and Bible teacher John MacArthur show us that the God to whom they were so faithful is the same. God who continues to mold and guide us today. 
As you meet these women in Scripture and get to know more about their lives and characters, and characters, they will challenge you, motivate you, encourage you, and inspire you with love for the God whom they trusted, served, and loved, teaching us that:​​​​​​

- Our personal struggles and temptations are the very same kinds of trials that all believers of all ages have confronted
- Even in the midst of our trouble, God remains eternally faithful
- Through God, anyone can become extraordinary

From Eve to the Samaritan woman, these twelve women each serve as reminders of both our frailty and our potential.  Together they point us to Christ and His grace.

Twelve Extrarordinary Women by John MacArthur
Evening class - 6:30-8pm - no childcare available

Book available on Amazon HERE

  • 2024 Women's Wednesdays Fall Session

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